
  • Traditional camp activities like archery, ropes courses, and canoeing

  • Process and art therapy sessions to support your experiences

  • A safe and understanding community where all bodies and all foods fit
    (no food police here!)

  • Facilitated by licensed therapists and dietitians in partnership with camp staff

  • Sleeping in a cabin, eating s’mores around the campfire, and screaming your heart out going down a zipline

  • Delicious and varied snacks and meals included

  • Making profound memories with people who get it

FALL 2024
Trinity, TX
Pricing TBD

IMPORTANT: You will be required to provide a signed letter from your therapist or ED dietitian in support of your participation, as well as medical clearing from a doctor or nurse practitioner. All documentation must be dated and submitted August 1st-October 17th, 2024.

  • To come to camp, you have to identify as female, be 18+, and working with a therapist or dietian specifically for disordered eating or an eating disorder. You will need a letter from your provider in support of your participation to be eligible. You will also need to receive a medical clearing from a physician or nurse practitioner.

  • Reach out! If I’m not the right fit, I can direct you to someone who might be. Take a look at the Houston Eating Disorder Specialists directory.

    To participate in the weekend, you are required to be working with a licensed professional in the ED field.

  • Teambuilding and high ropes, zipline, canoeing, and archery…coupled with process and art therapy groups to help integrate your adventure experiences to your current therapy work.

  • You will be sleeping in a cabin with other participants and two therapists. You’ll have AC/heat, new restroom and shower facilities, and really comfy mattresses. You’ll need to bring your own bedding.

    If you feel like you’re not comfortable sharing sleeping space, reach out! Private or semi-private accommodations may be available depending on need.

  • Make sure to indicate any special accommodations you know you may need in your intake paperwork. We will do our best to accommodate you so you can have the best weekend ever!

    Camp staff are highly trained in risk management and “challenge by choice.” With the support of camp facilitators and your group’s assigned mental health professional, you will be supported in making the right choices for yourself, and you’ll have a chance to process everything with your therapy group.

  • These items are required for you to attend camp. Your emotional and physical safety is of utmost importance.

  • Adventure therapy is the use of adventure activities supported by traditional therapy (and vice versa!) Adventure therapy uses operative games, trust activities, problem-solving initiatives, high adventure, outdoor pursuits, and wilderness expeditions to promote psychological change and growth.

  • All meals and snacks will be provided by a staff of professionals. We will be sure to have a wide variety of foods to fit everyone’s needs. You can indicate any allergies in your paperwork.